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On a continent that for centuries has been characterized by foreign exploitation of nature and culture, it is my mission to contribute to the fact that it is the locals in Africa who must be able to live off the tourists who make pilgrimages to their treasure chest of wild natural experiences. It is an important part of the concept of sustainable tourism, and my basis for founding Fair Track Safari.
I advise you on the choice of destination in relation to your wishes and dreams, and put you in touch with the best, competent local guides and lodge owners. Together we create experiences for life, value and fair local growth. I take pride in giving you the best personal service in the industry.
I am very much looking forward to sending you off on your journey to Africa!
Hear Eva talk about her childhood in Africa, education and how she now creates African experiences
I collaborate with local partners: those who have natural gems that enrich their surroundings and their guests, as well as with local guides who, in addition to being professionals, love to communicate their culture and nature, and with kindness make a difference locally where they ought to. Together we ensure that your journey will be safe, exciting and adapted to your wishes. The close contact gives you authentic and personal experiences. My partners are carefully selected based on a common set of values. We work together to create fair and transparent travel.
It is about visions, goals, the person behind the company, respect, humility and empathy. Quite simply, every single customer must sense the soul of the company, because here it is the heart that drives the work!
I have always loved Africa. Not a single place, but everything that is the epitome of Africa - its nature, culture, pace and charm. I grew up in Tanzania and Malawi, where I went to school until I was 11 years old. A wild and carefree childhood where I was right where I belonged. The contrast of teenage years in Denmark was sensible, although I longed for Africa. Finished high school, only one thing was certain... Africa was waiting! I had an adventurous year and a half exploring in an old folk wagon rye bread with my childhood sweetheart. The epitome of freedom! Later I found my way to South Africa where I spent 3 years studying a bachelor's degree in wildlife management at the university.
The master's degree was based in Copenhagen, but with half a year of fieldwork in Malawi for the thesis: Local Involvement in Conservation. The travel industry got hold of me by chance, and it was a very clever way to reconcile my existence on both continents. I have now worked in the travel industry for 9 years - as a safari guide in Africa, and as a production manager and travel consultant in two different larger agencies. I have insight, empathy and networks in Africa and now my mission is to make a difference through fair tourism...
Below are various topics with practical information. If you do not find answers to your questions, or if there is something that gives rise to other questions, please call and I will help you prepare for your trip.
When traveling abroad during a time of coronavirus/COVID-19, you should be aware of a number of conditions. It is up to you to investigate conditions that could be relevant to your situation before you travel. It is recommended that you deal with:
Choose a private trip. It is most relaxing for you, and allows you to adapt the days according to your needs and wishes.
It is your responsibility to ensure that everyone is covered by valid travel insurance. Some have included travel insurance in their private insurance policies, so check what they cover.
Tipping is a part of Africa's service that is difficult to do much about. Fair Track Safari strives to cooperate with partners who already do a lot of good for their surroundings, and where tips are not a necessary income for the employees, but an appreciation from the guest.
The sun and the heat in Africa are stronger than we are used to. We must remember to drink more than we usually do.
In order for a customer to enter into an agreement with Fair Track Safari, it is necessary to collect the following information:
As a travel agency, we are obliged to inform all travelers about the rules for importing seeds, plants and plant products from countries outside the EU.
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Fair Track Safari
Phone: 45 28 26 92 40
Email: eva@fairtracksafari.dk
Address: Pilekrogen 20, 5700 Svendborg
cvr: dk-39319055
Member of the Travel Guarantee Fund: reg. No. 2895
Member of Danmark Rejsebureau Forening: Member no. 10815
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