Home > Botswana
Botswana is definitely among my favorites when it comes to safari. The country is the size of France and has a population similar to Copenhagen. There is therefore plenty of space for nature and at the same time nature conservation and protection have a high political priority.
The Okavango Delta is an enchanting ecosystem that has UNESCO World Heritage status. Here nature fluctuates with the seasons. Angola's rains collect far to the north, and it takes 6 months for the water masses to move across the continent along the river systems to eventually empty into the delta, which lies in the middle of the arid desert landscape north of the Kalahari. It is a fascinating natural area created by geological processes millions of years ago when Gondwanaland split and the continents drifted apart. The earth's crust rose, and instead of flowing towards the sea, the rivers emptied into a basin. At the same time, it is a wild annual transformation from dry landscape with small waterways to flooded delta with thousands of small islands. And then there are an incredible number of animals that live here - it is simply a fantastic oasis of wildlife.
East of the Okavango Delta lies the Moremi Game Reserve, which since 1963 has been designated as a protected reserve by the former Chief Moremi's wife. It is a very game-rich area that is popular for safaris. Several adjacent local lands have since been included in nature conservation and have also become popular safari areas. Tourism is an important incentive for the locals to protect their game.
Chobe National Park, which borders Zimbabwe in the northern part of the country, is known for its large concentration of elephants. The Chobe River is a permanent source of water.
Nxai Pan National Park and Makgadikgadi Pan form huge salt flats - which can be seen from space! They are the remains of large saltwater lakes that dried up thousands of years ago. In some years with a lot of rain, they are briefly filled with water again.
The Kalahari Desert is a protected reserve, and constitutes one of the world's largest reserves. Here in the extremely dry landscape, animals have adapted to survive the harsh conditions.
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